Chinese Politburo targeted Google et al
Well, at least we know how far up it went.
Of course, China denied the charges.
Wouldn’t you?
Recent WikiLeaks files, besides detailing electronic surveillance by the U.S. government (hey, if you don’t know this stuff is going on, you haven’t been paying attention!) ALSO disclosed that China’s Politburo ordered the electronic intrusions into Google’s computer network (plus Adobe’s and those of 32 other “less forthcoming” Silicon Valley companies) which became public in January 2010. The attack occurred through vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser, which were patched out of cycle.
Sure, a Chinese consultant was identified in the attacks, but the POLITBURO…?
Maybe all of this nonsense helped Google realize (belatedly, IMHO) the wisdom of getting rid of problems at their source and dumping Windows for internal use at their company, for SECURITY reasons. Have you ever wondered about companies who do not? Do you BANK with any of them?
Some of the other companies named as victims in the attack (Yahoo, Symantec, Northrop Grumman, Juniper Networks, and Dow Chemical) had various responses, from evasion to waffling to denial. Seems that there is a lot of “denial” going on….. Researchers at VeriSign iDefense said the number of targets was 34, all in Silicon Valley. I usually BELIEVE those folks, having met some of them in person.
I am beginning to believe that some Americans go into corporate management, before entering government service, to practice and polish their prevarication “skills,” whereas the truly gifted liars go straight into politics, without the need for further training! Maybe the same holds true for other countries, as well.
The WikiLeaks files appear to have come from SIPRNET (Secret IP Router Network), a government network used for exchanging information up to the secret level.
So far, I have not read anything surprising. But it’s nice to have confirmation of conclusions that I knew were obvious….
(Note added November 28, 2010: Five international news outlets that had obtained the WikiLeaks documents published details on their Web sites. WikiLeaks itself was experiencing a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, which is NOT a “glitch.” [Who WRITES CNN’s stuff, anyway? ] “CNN has not had advanced access to the documents, unlike some media organizations, because the company declined to sign a confidentiality agreement with WikiLeaks.”
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32)
-Bill at
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