…and the 40 thieves.
(Note added December 27, 2011: If you reached this article because you had searched for details about “Yahoo’s board of directors is considering a deal to sell its Asian assets back to their majority holders in a tax-free deal worth $17 billion….” then follow that link for the CNET News story from December 21, 2011, first reported in The New York Times.)
Yahoo! acquired a 40% stake in the Chinese company Alibaba several years ago.
That investment may NOW be worth up to 1/3 of Yahoo’s TOTAL VALUE!
On Friday, Alibaba CEO Jack Ma addressed an audience at the China 2.0 Conference at Stanford University and said that he is interested in acquiring Yahoo! We can now add Alibaba to a list of potential suitors that includes the private equity firm Silverlake Partners, the venture capitalists Andreessen Horowitz, and even Microsoft!
Yahoo! has a market capitalization of $16.63 billion, still a hefty price, even though it is far less than the $44.6 billion that Microsoft once offered. Ma has repeatedly pressured the Yahoo Board to sell the original 40% stake back to him and has been rejected so far. But Yahoo! has recently fired CEO Carol Bartz and may be looking at ALL the options right now!
Yahoo! co-founder, Jerry Yang, was criticized four years ago in congressional hearings for the role Yahoo! played in the jailing of a Chinese human rights activist.
The possible acquisition of Yahoo! by the Chinese company Alibaba might not “sit well” with human rights activists or members of Congress!
-Bill at
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