And “the worst [wireless] carrier” is…
…AT&T, according to customer satisfaction rating in a Consumer Reports survey released today! AT&T’s customer satisfaction rating dropped this year (the ONLY wireless network with scores that dropped “significantly” from last year), and AT&T…
Over half of the AT&T customers in the survey owned an iPhone. The iPhone owners were “much less satisfied” with AT&T than were owners of other smartphones with their respective carriers.
“iPhone owners were particularly dissatisfied with AT&T’s data service.“
AT&T quickly pointed out that independent tests concluded that AT&T’s mobile broadband is 20% faster than its nearest competitor and 60% faster than Verizon Wireless.
I don’t recall hearing anything about “faster.”
I would have to quickly point out that, in my experience, certain Myers Briggs personality types don’t always hear and understand what you are telling them right away. AT&T’s major precursor company was my SOLE customer at one of my high tech positions. A conflict with many iPhone owners was probably inevitable, on the basis of personality type alone.
AT&T added 2.6 million new wireless customers last quarter, far more additions than any of its competitors. Half of those added own iPhones.
Yes, it’s a great phone with great apps (applications) and the highest customer satisfaction. And AT&T was “the only game in town” in the U.S…..
AT&T is about to lose its “iPhone exclusivity” at the end of the year according to Fortune and other news outlets, and Verison will reportedly start selling iPhones in early 2011. I wrote a blog entry back in August about the large CDMA chipset order that Apple reportedly placed with Qualcomm for a December production run. A forecast by Drake Johnstone, a Davenport & Co. analyst predicted that…
“…as many as 6 million of AT&T’s iPhone subscribers could defect to Verizon….“
(Note added December 26, 2010: But let’s not forget those nasty new “early termination fees” introduced by AT&T this year…. )
The CNN Money article also reports good news for Sprint Nextel and the regional carrier, U.S. Cellular.
-Bill at
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