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They can’t take that away from you…

Rather than get sucked in by yet another miserable day on Wall Street, and the rhetorical question, “Can things get even worse?” (Have you ever wondered why the media never asks, “How can we make things better?”) – I decided to focus on a statement that I saw on a poster today, about life’s realizations.

One realization was of three things that “they can’t take away from you.” The three that were mentioned were: education, experience, and memories.

I might add a few others, which will add immensely to the quality of your life, and which will NEVER be appreciated :-) by any company that employs you: wisdom, balance, knowledge, and intelligence.

Maybe, just maybe, if companies appreciated the qualities above in fleshing out their management structures, we might be able to avoid some of the “herd behavior” that we are seeing now, in the future.

-Bill at Cheshire Cat Photo™

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