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Mozilla Strikes Back!

I have an old T-shirt from Netscape days that has an image of our trusty Mozilla and the words “Mozilla Strikes Back!”

Tonight, I see in Stephen Shankland’s blog “UNDEREXPOSED” that The Mozilla Foundation (and its sort-of-for-profit subsidiary, Mozilla Corp.) announced its 2006 revenue on Monday night: $66,840,850, an increase of 26 percent from the 2005 figure. Mozilla’s 2006 expenses were $19.8 million. As in 2005, about 85 percent of the revenue came from Google, according to the blog, which cites a related FAQ page.

An exciting spectator sport of the Bay Area, and other parts of California, is watching the ongoing growth, battles, and demise of high-tech companies (along with the placing of side bets). :-)

Mozilla backs the development of both the Firefox Web browser and the Thunderbird email client. Since I publish web pages, and send and receive email, I use both of these products, as well as other browsers and email clients. As a former Netscaper, I cheer the progress that Firefox has made, especially against one of the market “leaders” :-) , although Firefox is not perfect (see my earlier blog entry).

If you are young enough to associate the name Mozilla with only a foundation or a corporation, you may be interested in taking a look at his “greener” side at the Mozilla Museum, and maybe reading a discussion of the earlier battles.

I understand that human life is limited, but some struggles are “eternal”. I have also learned that there are some companies which I will always promote, but at which it would be best for me not to be employed (maybe buy stock). :-)

Here is to Mozilla’s continued success! One concept in which I truly believe is competition in the marketplace. Monopolies tend to promote ossification of the thought processes. One definition of “ossification” is “a tendency toward or state of being molded into a rigid, conventional, sterile, or unimaginative condition”. Unfortunately, it is a condition for which the U.S. system of courts does not seem to have a cure; maybe EMEA will do better.

-Bill at Cheshire Cat Photo

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