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One of two San Onofre nuclear power plant units shut down after possible leak

One of the two units at the San Onofre nuclear power plant was shut down by officials this evening after sensors detected a possible leak in a steam generator tube at 4:30 PM U.S. Pacific Time. The unit was completely shut down by an hour later, according to Southern California Edison.

Spokesperson Jennifer Manfre told the L.A. Times:

“The potential leak poses no imminent danger to the plant workers or the public.”

Crews are assessing the situation to determine whether a leak had occurred. There have been no evacuations so far.

The press release states that Southern California Edison had begun a precautionary shutdown of Unit 3 because of a possible leak. There has been no release to the atmosphere.

Unit 2 is currently offline for a planned maintenance, refueling and technology upgrade outage. Southern California Edison has ample reserve power to meet customer needs while Unit 3 is offline.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission was immediately informed of this development.

Updates concerning the shutdown can be found here. A Twitter update two hours ago, as I write this, said that the possible leak is inside the containment dome, with no release into the atmosphere.

-Bill at

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