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“Marketing with Social Media” seminar tonight

I enjoyed a seminar tonight entitled “Marketing with Social Media” at the Firehouse Arts Center in Pleasanton, California. The presenter was David Perry of David Perry & Associates of San Francisco.

Mr. Perry presented very good advice about the use of social media in public relations to augment marketing through Web sites, for both nonprofit and for-profit entities. The packed house included folks from the traditional media to arts organizations to other nonprofits to commercial enterprises. The experience levels ranged from beginners in social media to seasoned pros.

Mr. Perry handled the diverse audience with grace and style and provided very practical advice for the use of rapidly changing social media. I think that everyone went away with a nugget or two!

I found myself agreeing with Mr. Perry concerning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and almost all other topics, and disagreeing only slightly with regard to blogging – an activity that I have found to be very helpful, especially for Web site traffic. There are expectations generated by blogging everyday, and I agree with Mr Perry that companies should meet or exceed the expectations that they generate.

All in all, it was a VERY satisfying evening and a delightfully informing and entertaining presentation. If you have an opportunity to hear David Perry speak, POUNCE on it! :-)

-Bill at

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