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iPhone SLR Mount for Canon and Nikon lenses

No kidding! I can see some of my friends at Apple picking up one of these.

I usually tell people that photography is more about the lens and the person behind the lens than the camera body in-between, so long as there is a good digital signal processor in there to reduce noise and resolution is high enough. Today, the Photojojo store released the “iPhone SLR Mount” that allows you to mount your expensive Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses on your iPhone 4, 3GS, or 3G! The mount for the iPhone 4 costs $249 and the ones for the 3GS and 3G cost $190.

Amit Gupta, founder of Photojojo, says in the LA Times:

“The iPhone4 takes pretty decent photos and gorgeous video, but its limitation is the lens built into it that can’t go wide or give you shallow depth of field,” said Amit Gupta, founder of Photojojo who worked with a company in Hong Kong to get this product made.  “But if you use an SLR lens you can focus on a person or subject and blur out the background for that shallow depth of field effect.”

The SLR Mount is aluminum, custom-fitted to the phone, and allows you to zoom in without compromising the resolution.

Gupta says:

“The iPhone 4 is already phenomenal and the sensors are only getting better.”

-Bill at

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