National Parks: free entrance days for 2011
Woooooooo Hooooooooooo!
“Land of the Free” takes on new meaning!
Here is the LIST! Check out a National Park near YOU!
The BEST news?
The days START TOMORROW, January 15!
Mark your calendar for these fee-free* days in 2011:
- January 15-17
(Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday weekend) - April 16-24
(National Park Week) - June 21
(First day of summer) - September 24
(Public Lands Day) - November 11-13
(Veterans Day weekend)
MORE good news? Concessions at the National Parks are ALSO offering deals, including “Temperature-based pricing” at Yosemite’s Curry Village:
“Curry Village features the Temp-RATE-ture deal, which features rates based on the previous night’s low temperature measured in Fahrenheit. What happens if the low dips below 0°F? Curry Village will pay guests to stay! Temp-RATE-ture is valid now through March 19, 2011 only on Friday and Saturday nights, space available.”
EVEN MORE good news? Many of our 394 national parks NEVER charge entry fees!
Soooo… get OFF your DUFFlebag and start planning your trip!
*Fee waiver includes: entrance fees, commercial tour fees, and transportation entrance fees. Other fees such as reservation, camping, tours, concession and fees collected by third parties are not included unless stated otherwise.
-Bill at
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