“Monday, Monday…
… so good to me.” The Mamas & the Papas, “Monday, Monday”
Cyber Monday, that is!
According to the research firm Coremetrics (San Mateo, CA; owned by IBM), 31.1% more online sales occurred on Cyber Monday than Black Friday this year. Although the report (PDF) did NOT state precisely how much revenue was generated for online retailers on Cyber Monday, John Squire, chief strategy officer of Coremetrics said that Monday was likely the biggest shopping day of the year, surpassing even Black Friday.
Cyber Monday 2010 vs. Black Friday 2010:
- Average order value (AOV) was up 2.1%, from $190.80 to $194.89.
- There were 60.3% more jewelry sales.
- Though the visitors arriving from social network sites is only 1%, it is growing, with Facebook dominating.
- On Cyber Monday 3.9% of visitors to retailer sites used a mobile device.
Cyber Monday 2010 vs. Cyber Monday 2009:
- Online sales were up 19.4%.
- AOV increased 8.3%, from $180.03 to $194.89.
- Sales of luxury goods were up 24.3%.
- Shopping peaked at Noon EST (9 AM PST) but shopping momentum continued longer through the day in 2010 than in 2009.
The Coremetrics report offers detailed tabular data on U.S Retail, Apparel, Department Stores, Health and Beauty, Jewelry, and Sport Apparel and Gear.
-Bill at
Cheshire Cat Photo™ – “Your Guide to California’s Wonderland™”
You can view higher-resolution photos (*generally* 7-30 megabytes, compressed) at the Cheshire Cat Photo™ Pro Gallery on Shutterfly™, where you can also order prints and gifts decorated with the photos of your choice from the gallery. The Cheshire Cat Photo Store on Zazzle contains a wide variety of apparel and gifts decorated with our images of California. Framed prints and prints on canvas can be ordered from our galleries on redbubble®. All locations are accessible from here. Be a “Facebook Fan” of Cheshire Cat Photo here! If you don’t see what you want or would be on our email list for updates, send us an email at info@cheshirecatphoto.com.
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