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Smartphone satisfaction! (Oh! And sales…..)

Almost all of my time spent in high tech was in customer satisfaction and technical support positions….

A survey by market research firm ChangeWave asked 1,212 “consumers” (“customers” is SO much nicer, and much more accurate!) who purchased a smartphone in the last six months how satisfied they were with their purchase. The Apple iPhone topped the list, with a 77% approval rating. I am not in the least bit surprised, and I am one of those still waiting for my FIRST iPhone, after it comes to Verizon! “All things come to he who waits.” (Note added January 13, 2011: Yes, they do! :-) )

Second place (What would Vince Lombardi have said? :-) ) went to Motorola, with 71%, followed by HTC (63%), Samsung (45%), and RIM (44%). ALL FOUR models of iPhone got high marks. EVEN THE LOWEST-SCORING iPhone MODEL HAD HIGHER RATINGS THAN THE HIGHEST-RATED PHONES FROM COMPETITORS. (Sorry to “shout.” In my experience, it is often hard to “get through” to the “hard-of-thinking.”)

The CNET article reproduces ONE bar graph of results from the November 2, 2010 survey, but the ChangeWave article itself, with a NUMBER of bar graphs, presents a more in-depth view of the findings. Some of the “buyer’s remorse” charts with results about “what if iPhone had been available on YOUR carrier…” are PARTICULARLY interesting, especially to “hold-outs” like me! Overall, slightly more than a THIRD would have gone to iPhone, had it been available on their carrier.

A new report by Strategy Analytics said that Apple shipped more smartphones than RIM in the third quarter, Apple’s 15.4 million to RIM’s 12.3 million. CNET’s Jim Dalrymple says:

“Perhaps customer satisfaction is affecting sales figures more than some companies would like to admit.”

As I said above, my experience in high tech was that it is OFTEN difficult to get through to the “hard-of-thinking” (especially those in management), but eventually, even many of THEM wake up. :-)

-Bill at

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