Lightroom TM – read this book…
Which books on photography am I reading now? Well, one of them that I am trying to memorize is “the Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom TM book for digital photographers” by Scott Kelby. Anyone who does not find the brilliant software written by the good folks at Adobe® to be utterly intuitive (I don’t) can thank their lucky stars that Scott is out there writing his heart out. Seriously, the man is so productive that, if his picture were not next to the “About the Author” section of the book, I would envision him as a “human electron” – just try to pin down his position and velocity at the same time! Scott combines his well-known step-by-step approach with unflagging humor to provide us with clear explanations of ways to get the desired results from the software. Since step-by-step approaches (by some other folks) can get to be a little dry, Scott’s tongue-in-cheek humor lightens the load. This is definitely a book to work through with the provided examples.
Thanks, Scott, for sharing your expertise and providing clear procedures to attain the desired results. Now, back to memorizing…
–Bill at Cheshire Cat Photo