Book ’em Danno… “iPhone 4G”
Gizmodo is, of course, the technology blog that published details about Apple’s next generation iPhone, after paying $5000 for a prototype that was supposedly recovered from the floor of a San Mateo County bar.
Gizmodo said today:
Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press told CNET today that the San Mateo County search warrant violated the federal Privacy Protection Act, which immunizes news organizations from searches, unless, in some cases, the journalists themselves committed the crime. The federal law requires police to use subpoenas to obtain information, instead of search warrants.
I spent one full year based at Apple as a Netscape employee, during the first release of MacOS X and “” (-> .Mac -> MobileMe).
I am not the least bit surprised by any of this.
(Note added May 02, 2010: “A short history of Apple’s aggressive legal tactics” was published by CNET.)
(Note added July 17, 2010: The Gizmodo editor whose computer equipment was seized in April with regard to the missing iPhone 4 prototype investigation, has voluntarily agreed to turn over information to authorities. According to CNET:
-Bill at
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