Nature abhors a vacuum…
… and She apparently does not think much of “Big Oil” either! (Who could blame Her?) I wonder what She thinks about investors who callously place side bets on the misery of others…
Mother Nature fired a warning shot at Houston this week, as Hurricane Ike flooded Galveston, TX and struck Houston as a Category 2 storm that blew out windows at the JP Morgan Chase building. The storm surge that hit Galveston was smaller than predicted, a very good thing. Hurricane Ike, which had been, at times, a Category 4 storm and was a Category 3 storm when it made landfall in Cuba struck Texas as “only” a Category 2 storm, another very good thing (for Texas). Even so, the storm caused death and much destruction there.
(Update September 14, 2008 12:42 PM PDT: In reading more in the article above about the “early-start session” on Sunday for traders (sometimes greed can’t wait! ), I noticed that the “eye of the hurricane passed directly over the Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500) refinery in Baytown, Texas, which is the largest refinery in North American and has a daily capacity of 567,000 barrels.” Exxon Mobil recently posted another record quarterly profit, of $11.68 billion [USD] this time, the largest quarterly profit of any company at any time in U.S. history.)
(Please note: the above description is an anthropomorphization of the recent events. [Hmmm, odd that Wikipedia should have a Tenniel illustration of the White Rabbit on this page… ] I do not want to be classed with a gentleman who was recently interviewed in Berkeley, and who predicted earthquakes in retaliation against the University of California for cutting down a grove of oak trees near the stadium. Please pay attention, however, if such earthquakes happen soon…. Karma is an interesting thing….)
As all of the affected areas begin the slow process of recovery from Hurricane Ike, you can help through a CNN page that has collected hyperlinks to agencies and groups that provide aid.
-Bill at Cheshire Cat Photo™
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