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Facebook applications that steal login data

Yesterday the security firm Trend Micro identified a few “rogue” applications that steal login information and spam the friends of the victim!

The six bad apps that have been identified SO FAR are: “Stream,” “Posts,” “Your Photos,” “Birthday Invitations,” “Inbox (1),” and “Inbox (2)”  according to the blog entry by Rik Ferguson of Trend Micro. All of the apps were still alive on Wednesday afternoon, except for “Stream.”

Ferguson, who is keeping Facebook informed of these developments, recommends that Internet users always check the URL displayed int the browser address bar before entering sensitive information and to mouse over (hover the curson over) hyperlinks to see the URL Facebook recommends reviewing privacy settings :-) and deleting any apps that they no longer use.

-Bill at Cheshire Cat Photo™

You can view higher-resolution photos (*generally* 7-30 megabytes, compressed) at the Cheshire Cat Photo™ Pro Gallery on Shutterfly™, where you can also order prints and gifts decorated with the photos of your choice from the gallery. Apparel and other gifts decorated with some of our most popular photos can be ordered from the Cheshire Cat Photo™ Store on CafePress®. Both Shutterfly™ and CafePress® ship to most international locations worldwide! If you don’t see what you want or would like to receive an email when new photos are up on the site, send us an email at

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