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Feelin’ hot, hot, hot!

I witnessed something today that I never thought possible! (That is an exaggeration – MOST things are possible!)

No, it was not Oracle buying Sun Microsystems (Good luck, former colleagues at Sun; it looks like a good stock price – soon the layoffs [another round] should begin. Horrors… soon Oracle will own MySQL!)

(Note added April 24, 2009: Of course, the fate of the REAL treasure, the Solaris operating system, is up in the air. Sun always functioned like a hardware company, while professing to be a “systems” company.)

I watched a hillside, over the course of a single day, turn from a lush, green, south-facing oasis with a path leading to the summit, to a burned out environment with yellow grasses and brown rocks increasingly predominating.

No, there was no fire. (Knock wood.)

There was only the second day of scorching sunlight and temperatures in the 90’s! Livermore hit 95 degress F (35 C) today, and the same temperature is forecast for tomorrow! Rccord high temperatures are being set at a number of locations in the Bay Area, and I believe, in other areas of California as well.

Temperatures are expected to decline after tomorrow, when a high-pressure area moves to the east, and there is even a chance of rain later in the week!

But nothing prepared me for the scene of a hillside yellowing and browning in a single day, as though I were watching time-lapse photography of a much longer time period….

(Note added April 24, 2009: High temperatures in the warmer parts of the East Bay returned to the low-to-mid 60s F the last couple of days. I rode my motorcycle to assignments every weekday this week!)

-Bill at Cheshire Cat Photo™

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