Lake Tahoe got 6.4 billion gallons of water in 24 hours!
Lake Tahoe (one of my images is above), at roughly 6,223 feet of elevation, is the second deepest lake in the United States, after Crater Lake in Oregon. This summer, many boaters were unable to get their craft into the water, because the very low lake level pulled the water back from most boat launches.
The storms this week added about 3 feet of wet, heavy snow to the area. Another storm, from the north and with less moisture, is scheduled to hit the Bay Area, and then the mountains, tomorrow!
TV news reports that, although some ski slopes in the eastern U.S. have not been able to open this year, other slopes in the WESTERN U.S. have had to close temporarily as the result of avalanche danger from all the snow!
We’ll TAKE it!
(The article has a slideshow of winter snow, skiing, and snowboarding images!)
-Bill at
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