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Hoverboards: A tale of two cities!

San Francisco Skyline

You see it everywhere. People who are comfortable in the past try to hold EVERYONE back, so that they have “company.”

While NYPD has declared “…”hoverboards” — the two-wheeled motorized transporters that don’t actually hover, but rather roll along like handleless Segways” ILLEGAL (pssst… Police Departments don’t make laws. That is the job of the City Council for municipalities. The interpretation of the law [Admin. Code 19-176.2.] is reserved for the courts!), and imposed a $200 fine on violators (Oh, those zany police!), exactly the OPPOSITE is happening in San Francisco (and elsewhere in California)!

Last month, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation reversing a 38-year-old state ban on electric motorized boards, including hoverboards and electric skateboards.

The law gives riders of such mobility devices the same street freedoms as bicyclists with one big catch: Any California municipality has the right veto some or all of the new regulations.

“In places like Oakland where skateboards are banned on roads and many sidewalks, e-boards could also be banned,” said Ryan Price, campaigns director for the California Bicycle Coalition.

Hover boards have not caught on in San Francisco in the way that they have in New York City, where they have reached the status of a “fad.” These self-balanced transporters, which can reach speeds of 10 mph, are operated by leaning forward and cost between $400 and $1,000.

Since BICYCLISTS (and motorists) often abuse the laws in California, expect hoverboarders to abuse them as well. My prediction is an increased amount of “road kill” and increased “traffic” for the courts.

That is another reason that so many lawyers like to live here.

-Bill at

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