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Rain to dampen Bay Area and bring more snow to the Sierra

Echo Summit View

A new storm is predicted to move south from the North Bay as early as tonight and into the San Francisco Bay on Sunday morning, according to Mark Strudley, a hydrologist with the National Weather Service in Monterey. After the rain tapers off, showers should return late Sunday evening and into Monday in the Bay Area. says:

By the end of Monday, San Francisco should accumulate around a quarter of an inch of rainfall, while the North Bay, including Santa Rosa, should get around two tenths of an inch, he said. In the inland East Bay, Livermore and Antioch and in areas in in the South Bay, such as San Jose, three-tenths of an inch of rain could fall by the end of the storm, he said. Areas above 4,000 feet should prepare for a dusting of snow.

Rain should end by Tuesday with dry weather lasting through the rest of the week.

In the Sierra, snowfall is expected to hit the northern slopes Sunday night and into Monday, said Idamis Del Valle Martinez, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Sacramento. The higher peaks could get up to six inches of snow accumulation by Monday, while at at around 7200 feet of elevation three to four inches is predicted, she said.

-Bill at

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