For SHAME! EBMUD releases its “water wasters” list!
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) released a list of 1,108 excessive water users on Friday. Abby Figueroa, spokeswoman for the district, says that the list is not complete and includes only about 1/3 of the district’s residential customers, those who have been FINED for using MORE than 1,000 gallons of water/day.
The names, town, and number of “units” used over a 60-day billing cycle (1 unit = 748 gallons) are presented in the article. The top user on the list used over 754,700 gallons during the 60-day cycle or ALMOST 12,600 gallons/day.
We provide this link to the article as a public service.
The Wikipedia update for EBMUD in 2015 says:
EBMUD has declared a Stage 4 critical drought and has set a community-wide goal to reduce water use by 20%. To reach this goal, EBMUD has adopted new water rules that affect all customers and must supplement normal water supplies with water from additional sources, like 33,250 acre-feet from the Central Valley Project. EBMUD has enforced strict water restrictions in order to ensure all conservation measures are being taken. By the end of 2015, EBMUD has projected to have in storage 320,000 to 330,000 acre-feet of water.
EBMUD is now receiving an emergency supply of water from the Sacramento River (my image above).
-Bill at
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