Happy Birthday, Yosemite National Park!
On October 1, 1890, President Benjamin Harrison officially signed the legislation that made Yosemite the third national park in the U.S., after Yellowstone (1st) and Mackinac National Park (2nd). This is the 125th birthday of Yosemite National Park! (One of my images of Bridalveil Meadow is above. A high-resolution image is in the Cheshire Cat Photo Gallery.
When artist Thomas Ayres visited the area in the 1850s and returned with beautiful paintings and writings, Yosemite became a tourist destination. By 1879, hotels were built in the area, and the park got its first concession store in 1884.
To celebrate its anniversary, Yosemite will be hosting a number of events, described HERE.
The SFGate.com article, itself, has 28 historic photographs of Yosemite that are quite fascinating. Enjoy!
Cheshire Cat Photo™ – “Your Guide to California’s Wonderland™”
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