Breaching humpback whale almost crushes kayakers at Moss Landing!
I love Moss Landing! From its old cemetery to its Southern Sea Otters to its casual dining to its sport fishermen to its iconic power plant, the town exudes a air of reality that is unlike many coastal California towns. Somehow, incongruously, the town ALSO harbors “Big Science” in the form of MBARI, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and other scientific installations.
Two whale watchers in a tandem kayak did not need binoculars to see a full-grown humpback whale that almost crushed them to death when it breached off the coast of Moss Landing. Although their kayak was swamped and they were thrown into the Pacific, the whale watchers were unhurt!
On Saturday, Sanctuary Cruises posted a video of the near-miss on You-Tube! Yahoo News reported that one of the kayakers, a wildlife film director who was only identified as Tom said:
“We were taken under the water by the whale, perhaps in the down-draft,” he said. “I think it brushed against me while I was out of the kayak … Neither of us know how we weren’t ended there and then.”
He called the encounter “the most extraordinary thing to happen to me.”
And probably, the most extraordinary thing that ever WILL…. At least he lived to tell the tale.
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