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So you want to rent a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco…

San Francisco Skyline

You want to rent a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco?

Think AGAIN! :-)

San Francisco is already the most expensive place to rent in the U.S., having passed Manhattan earlier this year. The latest data from Zumper’s National Rent Report for September, 2015 suggests that San Francisco wants to KEEP that title for awhile! As reported in

The report, which charts the top 10 most expensive American cities in which to lease a one-bedroom apartment, shows San Francisco’s median rent at $3,530. This is a jump of .9% quarter-over-quarter and 13.9% year-over-year.

Zumper has shared its chart of data with for the following U.S. cities: San Francisco, CA; New York, NY; Boston, MA; San Jose, CA; Washington, D.C.; Oakland, CA; Chicago, IL; Miami, FL; Los Angeles, CA; and Seattle, WA.

Zumper brings even more bad news for Bay Area renters.

Unfortunately for renters, there’s not much relief to be found: both the South Bay and the East Bay show up among top 10 most expensive cities on Zumper’s report. San Jose comes in at #4, with a one-bedroom median of $2,220. This is up 4.7% quarter-over-quarter and 13.8% year-over-year. Oakland, which made news earlier this summer as home to the hottest rental market in the country, now stands at $2,000 for a one bedroom, a 6.8% gain quarterly– and a staggering 23% gain by year.

There are market factors cited by Zumper that enter into this trend. lists them:

  • milennials migrating to urban areas
  • a lack of affordable housing construction
  • a fundamental shift in public attitude toward the sharing economy
  • people are also getting married later in life, leading to a displacement of the start of the traditional home buying cycle

SfGate adds to that list: rising home prices and a lack of inventory.

-Bill at

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