Digg founder Kevin Rose saves his dog, Toaster, from raccoon attack in SF!
Google Ventures partner and Digg founder Kevin Rose was awakened Saturday night when a raccoon attacked his labradoodle, Toaster, right outside his home in San Francisco. (We dare not leave OUR OWN dog out very much for concern about some of the HUMANS in our good neighborhood. 😉 ) SFGate.com says:
Rose quickly, instinctively intervened by scooping up the raccoon and hurling it down the stairs, saving his labradoodle, Toaster, from almost certain death. (No clue about why the dog was out and about at some ungodly hour).
A security cam caught all of the drama, so Rose uploaded the 45-second clip to YouTube. The video got 5.4 million YouTube views and was retweeted by a legion of Twitter followers.
So far, I have not read about a response from San Francisco’s animal rights activists, but since this was animal-on-animal violence (actually, to us realists, it was animal-on-animal-on-animal violence), there may not be any.
-Bill at
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