California gasoline prices jump almost 14 cents/gallon in last week!
Many folks in California believe that “Big Oil” companies are better at manufacturing gasoline SHORTAGES here than they are at manufacturing GASOLINE! 😉
Who could blame them?
The statewide average price for regular gasoline, as tracked daily by AAA, has increased nearly 14 cents/gallon in the last week. Today, it hit $4.04/gallon. In San Francisco, the average reached $4.12!
This is the SECOND time in 2013 for such a rapid rise in gasoline prices. Last time, it was the very end of January, in which we watched “…the state’s average leap an astonishing 23 cents in a single week. That increase pushed prices above $4 per gallon and kept them there for the next two months.”
The reasons for the increases…? says:
California uses its own unique, pollution-fighting blends of gasoline, blends not used in other states. A limited number of refineries, all of them located in California, make the fuel on a regular basis. As a result, the state is more prone to supply disruptions than most.
Those refineries often undergo maintenance in late winter and early spring, producing less gasoline when they do. And this year, more refineries than usual underwent maintenance at the same time, said Denton Cinquegrana, West Coast analyst for By the end of April, gasoline inventories within the state were well below normal for this time of year.
Then last week, problems at the Exxon Mobil refinery in Torrance triggered a swift spike in the wholesale “spot” market for gasoline. That increase is now working its way through to the pump. But the price increase is already slowing down and may not last much longer.
Hmmmmmmm….. Let’s just say that you can “color me skeptical.” California is, after all, one of our major oil-producing and oil-refining states.
And while Lawrence Livermore Lab is dealing with costly firing lawsuits over age discrimination, at least the WIDESPREAD age discrimination in Silicon Valley (I strongly doubt whether age discrimation THERE will ever be investigated) is saving me a lot of “gas money” by eliminating the daily commutes that I made several times in my high-tech “career.”
It looks like gas prices may be starting to decline again, which should help with photography-related travel.
-Bill at
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