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Haunted Mansion? The California Governor’s Mansion, after dark….

The 30-room California Governor‘s Mansion, built in 1877, will host “After Dark” tours starting this weekend in Sacramento! There will be storytellers to share stories of past governors of California, and fortune tellers, to predict YOUR fate! At 1526 H Street in Sacramento, the mansion is now used primarily for public and state ceremonies and events.

Tour guides, in costume, will lead visitors through some of the scarier parts of the mansion, including darkened rooms and “coffin corners.” The Sacramento Bee has these details:

  • What: The Mansion After Dark
  • Where: Governor’s Mansion State Historic Park, 1526 H Street in Sacramento
  • When: Oct. 26 & 27, 6 to 9 p.m.
  • Cost: $6 for adults, $4 for youth ages 6-17 and free for children 5 and under
    For more info: 916-323-5916 or website

Proceeds help support the Governor’s Mansion State Historic Park (1).

-Bill at

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