At the Harrington Art Gallery in 2013 – “CALIFORNIA: earth, air, fire, water, life”
Today, I took a day off from teaching (but not from tutoring math) to meet my friends and collaborators, Engela Olivier-Wilson (of and Matt Nylander, at the Harrington Art Gallery, Firehouse Arts Center (Google Maps), in Pleasanton California, to work out spacial requirements for our upcoming show, “CALIFORNIA: earth, air, fire, water, life” at the gallery from March 2 to April 6, 2013! The reception will be on March 6 from 7 – 9 PM. Engela is the gifted painter and muralist who “starred” in my time-lapse video of her painting the “Dolphin Mural” at East Avenue Middle School in Livermore, and whom I introduced to a TV Network in Hollywood through a quickly assembled video at the urgent request of producers, and though a broad collection of my images of her paintings. Matt is a gifted 3D artist, newly graduated from art school, with refreshing perspectives of his own upon this State of California. Matt is the only “Native Californian” among us. Engela and I are transplants – she, from South Africa and I, from Ohio. And I think that the diverse viewpoints are a strength….
How we got here is a long story that began early in 2012 and involved a Keynote presentation that I assembled to showcase our work (thank you, Apple, for developing presentation software that is SO much better than Powerpoint 😉 ). The show itself will present the complementary perspectives of a sculptor/3D artist, painter/muralist, and a photographer on the natural beauty of California. As the announcement above indicates, there will be a mixture of media (including “mixed media!” 😉 ) and a few surprises (I LOVE surprises!) We will keep you informed as the time of the exhibit draws near.
We hope to create environments within the Harrington to showcase the uniqueness of California, in appreciation of the place where we live….
Please come and be our guests in March of 2013.
-Bill at
Cheshire Cat Photo™ – “Your Guide to California’s Wonderland™”
You can view higher-resolution photos at the Cheshire Cat Photo™ Pro Gallery on Shutterfly™, where you can also order prints and gifts decorated with the photos of your choice from the gallery. The Cheshire Cat Photo Store on Zazzle® contains a wide variety of apparel and gifts decorated with our images of California. All locations are accessible from here. LIKE Cheshire Cat Photo on Facebook here! If you don’t see what you want or would be on our email list for updates, send us an email at