Where does all of the money go? :-)
Californians who have asked themselves,”Where does the money go?” from taxes and other state “revenue opportunities” now have a partial answer. It goes to BAD BOOKKEEPING! Donors who donated money to keep California state parks open and now feel cheated and betrayed by the discovery of $54 million in two state parks accounts are demanding a refund, or at least a promise from legislators (sure, they’ll PROMISE anything! ) that the “extra” money will be spent on parks. Today the Sacramento Bee reported that:
Colman, who resigned on Friday, said in a telephone interview that she accepted overall responsibility, but had been unaware of the surplus. Last week, Lopez and his wife, who is a school teacher, filed for personal bankruptcy. Lopez lists himself as unemployed.
Coleman, for her part, said today that it was the responsibility of Lopez to keep her informed about the surplus funds and that he did not.
The unreported fund was discovered after “…after reports that Lopez also administered an unauthorized program to buy out unused vacation time for 56 employees, costing taxpayers more than $271,000. He was demoted in October and resigned in May. ”
The details of these latter discrepancies, as reported a mercurynews.com, make FASCINATING reading. As the quote misattributed to the late U.S. Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois goes, “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.”
It is often said that Republicans don’t understand economics. While that is probably true, it also seems that California Democrats don’t understand accounting.
Or maybe its just that politicians of BOTH flavors LOVE money…!
Stay tuned….
-Bill at
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