Clueless on Wall Street…
… but YOU knew that! 😉
Yeah, Facebook is about to go public with a $100 billion IPO, and what is one Wall Streeter complaining about? Mark Zuckerberg’s hoodie! Nevermind the fact that the Wall Streeter is likely to make BIG BUCK$ from the IPO…!
Bloomberg’s Mark Milian quotes Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter: “Mark and his signature hoodie: He’s actually showing investors he doesn’t care that much; he’s going to be him. I think that’s a mark of immaturity. I think that he has to realize he’s bringing investors in as a new constituency right now, and I think he’s got to show them the respect that they deserve because he’s asking them for their money.”
Sure… we know where the capital is coming from, but let’s not forget where the hard work and the innovation are coming from! Bozos in suits placing side bets on someone else’s survival, while sitting on their wallets, never earned a lot of sympathy from me. Did you ever suspect that these Wall Streeters might have a “closet urge” to “ditch” their ties? 😉
The whole story reminds me a lot of one of my former Silicon Valley bosses who thought that blue jeans were unprofessional – nevermind that blue jeans are part of the “uniform” of Silicon Valley. (In fact, Zuckerberg is wearing them with his hoodie in the accompanying photo! 😉 ) Nevermind that the company we both worked for got acquired, largely because of management incompetence, even though everybody “dressed well….” 😉 My boss’s lack of “blue-jean-and-T-shirt attire” meant that he would never have “credibility.”
What, no bowing to the bankers who are waiting in line to get in on the IPO and are in awe of the almost-28-year-old who owns 18.4 percent of the company and 57 percent of the voting shares?
Pachter can’t be that concerned about Zuckerberg’s wardrobe. He had enough respect for what Zuckerberg and team built to set a price target for Facebook at the higher range, $44, and gave the company an outperform rating.
The CNET article has a photo showing that Zuckerberg knows when to wear a suit – when talking to the President of the United States!
As for my blue jean-minus boss and I – I got the heck out of that company when I had the chance; my boss got out of there a little bit later, before the company was acquired.
I have a photo taken in a public area of that company, of a sign on a door telling employees to dress appropriately, since customers may be present.
Too bad THAT company is no longer around…. 😉 Maybe it would be, if it had focused on the IMPORTANT stuff….
-Bill at
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