Texting while sleeping!
And you thought that texting while DRIVING was bad! (Well, it IS bad… VERY bad!)
It appears that some folks are grabbing their cell phones and sending texts composed by their unconscious! A sleep expert at the Melbourne Sleep Disorder Center in Australia, Dr. David Cunningham, has reported:
“We have had patients who have reported sending text messages to their friends and family while asleep.”
Cunningham also reports that people are MORE likely to send emails in their sleep than text messages! Apparently STRESS is to blame. Cunningham said:
“People are doing so much during a normal day that it can mean that they feel like they’re ‘on call’ even at night.”
Well, as someone who slept with a pager and was OFTEN “on call” at night, I know what Dr. Cunningham is talking about! I wonder what kinds of incoherent emails and instant messages I used to send, in those days. Lately though, I am never on call, but I have thought about putting a “curb feeler” on the screen of my laptop to detect my forehead when I start to “nod off.” Maybe the Mac App Store could offer “an app for that.”
Chris Matyszczyk, “an award-winning creative director, who advises major corporations on content creation and marketing” suggests using codebreakers to decipher the messages sent, in the hopes of discovering hidden messages of the subconscious. 😉 Take that with a “block of salt;” however, since his byline also says “He brings an irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice to the tech world.”
I enjoy reading Matyszczyk’s column a lot, although his use of a Hotmail account causes me to question his choice of email, anyway.
And we have seen how creative most “major corporations” are, although “hope springs eternal!” Personally, I think that many of them are run by the wrong personality types to EVER be creative.
-Bill at
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