Livermore Wine Country Festival 2011: LAA booth
Tomorrow, Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1 are the dates for the 20th Annual Livermore Wine Country Festival, along First Street from P to Maple, and along Second Street from N to K! The event will run from 10 AM until 6 PM on Saturday and from 10 AM until 5 PM on Sunday. I will have my photography in the Livermore Art Association (LAA) booth, #39, very near the Chamber of Commerce building on First Street. A vendor directory and PDF maps of the various zones of the event are here.
The event has a lot going for it, including winery and beer locations, live music at several locations, downtown shopping and dining locations, a special area for kids, and places to stay with a wine festival room rate.
A festival area map and directions are also available.
I hope to see you there!
While you are walking around at the Festival, why not stop in at the LAA Gallery and History Center at the Carnegie Building in Carnegie Park, between Third and Fourth Streets, from 11:30 until 4 both days?
-Bill at
Cheshire Cat Photo™ – “Your Guide to California’s Wonderland™”
You can view higher-resolution photos (*generally* 7-30 megabytes, compressed) at the Cheshire Cat Photo™ Pro Gallery on Shutterfly™, where you can also order prints and gifts decorated with the photos of your choice from the gallery. The Cheshire Cat Photo Store on Zazzle contains a wide variety of apparel and gifts decorated with our images of California. Framed prints and prints on canvas can be ordered from our galleries on redbubble®. All locations are accessible from here. Be a “Facebook Fan” of Cheshire Cat Photo here! If you don’t see what you want or would be on our email list for updates, send us an email at