Microsoft’s 17 patches for 64 holes? Expected.
Holey, holey, holey… holy guacamole!
“Microsoft is planning to release 17 bulletins and a whopping 64 CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) this month, a new CVE record,” said Andrew Storms, director of security for nCircle. “That seems like a huge number of bugs but it’s actually about what we expected. Ever since the middle of last year Microsoft’s bulletin releases generally hit double digits every other month.”
The products with the vulnerabilities include Windows, Office, and Internet Explorer. Of the bulletins, nine are rated “critical” and eight are “important” according to a Microsoft TechNet blog post today.
Microsoft issued 17 bulletins in December and fixed a record 49 holes in October.
So, I was talking with a bank manager this week, mostly about some of my experiences in Silicon Valley and security concerns with my customers there. The bank had gotten new hardware and were going to be upgrading to Windows 7 soon. Good. A screensaver on a desk beside us was flashing a Windows XP logo! The last place I worked in tech security used XP. I probably shouldn’t tell you any more about it.
A lot of business people are trapped with the status quo, and many do not have the background in technology to know any better. When they DO know better, they often work for companies in which some CIO or CEO has made incompetent choices for the entire company.
“He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool – shun him….”
-Bill at
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