Photography program at PAL + LAA meeting Monday
Tomorrow, Monday, March 21, the combined Livermore Art Association (LAA) and Pleasanton Art League (PAL) general meeting for March will be held at 7:30 PM at Almond Avenue School in Livermore, in the Almond Room. The public is invited.
Walter Davies talks about “Alternative Photographic Processes.” Walter’s work is created in both film and digital cameras and then realized in light and darkrooms. Finished work is comprised of traditional color and silver images as well as works made with Platinum/Palladium emulsions that are hand coated on fine art papers.
My topic will be “Digital Photography 101: Some Tips for Nonprofessionals.” With affordable multi-megapixel compact digital cameras (and somewhat less affordable digital SLRs), the dream of becoming a better photographer has come within the reach of almost everyone. Ah, but how…? Come learn about a few basic things that you can do to become a much better photographer with your current digital camera. The good news…? Not all of those ho-hum or “downright bad” photos are your fault! Sometimes they are your CAMERA’s fault. Learn ways to improve photos and your own technique. Come and see whether you are willing to invest the work it takes to make some or all of your photos outstanding!
(Note added March 26, 2011: I created a new “Presentations” page on my site and offer the presentation “Digital Photography: Some tips for nonprofessionals” in Keynote, Powerpoint, and PDF formats. I downgraded the quality of the images in the presentation from high-resolution to low-resolution with Web-safe colors [please keep that in mind if you note the “fuzziness”]. I do not post high-resolution photos on the Web. I also stripped out the soundtrack, because the music is copyrighted by others. Some “object-aware” transitions in the original Keynote presentation are not supported by the other formats. I offer tutoring in various aspects of digital photography – contact us by email at for details. Enjoy!)
-Bill at
Cheshire Cat Photo™ – “Your Guide to California’s Wonderland™”
You can view higher-resolution photos (*generally* 7-30 megabytes, compressed) at the Cheshire Cat Photo™ Pro Gallery on Shutterfly™, where you can also order prints and gifts decorated with the photos of your choice from the gallery. The Cheshire Cat Photo Store on Zazzle contains a wide variety of apparel and gifts decorated with our images of California. Framed prints and prints on canvas can be ordered from our galleries on redbubble®. All locations are accessible from here. Be a “Facebook Fan” of Cheshire Cat Photo here! If you don’t see what you want or would be on our email list for updates, send us an email at