Carrier U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln arrives in San Diego
During my first year in California, I could see the top of the superstructure of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln out the windows of my third-floor walk-up efficiency apartment in Alameda. The ship became like an old friend. Then, with the closure of the Naval Air Station, the carrier named after perhaps our greatest president, went away. But the most-decorated American naval vessel of World War II, the U.S.S. Hornet still remains there, as a museum ship….
Today, the 1,092-foot nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln arrived in San Diego Bay at Naval Base Coronado where one of my nephews was once stationed. At around 10 AM, the supercarrier passed Point Loma with her crew manning the rails.
The Abraham Lincoln’s air wing flew off the carrier yesterday. Some of the crew will leave the ship in San Diego, after returning from a 6-month deployment in the western Pacific. The carrier will continue on to its home port in Everett, Washington.
The Abraham Lincoln is scheduled to have a $3 billion overhaul in Newport News, Virginia, starting in 2013.
The article has a number of photos and a long (12:47) video of aircraft.
-Bill at
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