One word answer
Since an article by CNN writer, John D. Sutter, (an excellent writer who earlier exhibited an amazing naiveté with regard to the capabilities of modern facial recognition systems and who sought an answer to his latest question from a co-founder of Renesys [an Internet analysis firm at which one vice president was INCREDULOUS that the U.S. might target Iran with submarine cable breaks, as we reportedly did with the Stuxnet worm :-)]) is still on the CNN site, I (who once worked for a company that controls Domain Name Systems for the “.com” and “.net” domains worldwide, as well as some switching networks) will attempt to answer his question with one word (based on NO insider knowledge, just my opinion based on experience):
Q: “Could the U.S. shut down the internet <sic, Internet>?”
A: Duh!
Let’s move on and ask better questions.
Students, NEVER use a “run-on” sentence like my first one (or Teddy’s second one), which was used “for effect.”
(Note added February 18, 2011: For a longer answer, see this excellent CNET article called “Internet kill switch’ bill gets a makeover,” by Declan McCullagh. Like “The Patriot Act,” the newly renamed “Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act” needs a little more “truth in advertising.” Security and freedom are opposing processes and must be balanced.)
-Bill at
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